viernes, 31 de mayo de 2019


1.-----WHAT--------------nationality  are they ? They’re English .            
     2.-------------------is he ? He is 20 years old                        
  3.-----------------does she go running ? Three times a week.                             
    4.--------------------time does the school usually start?     
    5. --------------- do your new traners cost ?About £100. 
   6. ---------are you so happy ?Because  I’ve passed my exam.                                                                    7. ---------------do you go to work? By car.                          
  8. -----------------do you do your homework?In my bedroom. 
 9. --------------is going to help you ? My friend Jenny.           
 10. ------------ do you go to the cinema ? Every Wednesday. 
11. --------------car are you going to buy ?The Audi or the Ford ?                                                              12. -----------does your Mum look like ?She’s tall and slim. 
 13 -------------bedroom do you want to redecorate ? Mine 
 14.------------------money do you need to buy your house ? About £200 000                                             15.------------are you going in summer ? To Brittany.      
  16. -------------don’t you want to go to the restaurant ? Because  I feel a little sick.                                   17. --------------was Barack Obama when he was elected for the first time ? I don’t know.                     18. ------------took the car yesterday evening ? I did.    
 19 .-------------is her favourite dish ? Fish and chips.                                                       
  20.----------------brothers and sisters have you got ? Two brothers and one sister.                                      21. ---------------is he so angry ? Because he has lost his mobile  .                                                            22. -------------has Mum gone ? To the supermarket.             
 23.------------‘s her name ? Sandy.                                          
 24.--------is the class going on a trip to England ? Next week.                                                                   25. ----------------are you meeting tomorrow ? My boss.         
  26. --------------does he feel ? So excited after getting an interview for a new job !                                    27. --------------city do you prefer ? Paris or London ?                                                 
  28. --------------colour are Bill’s eyes ? Green,I think.      
 29. -------------do you go to the dentist’s ? Twice a year.    
30. --------------are you doing tonight ? Working.                 
 31.-----------------computer  was stolen ? My sister’s.                   
  32. -------------------is he ? Old enough to drive.                 

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