martes, 17 de marzo de 2020

guías trabajo 1,2,,3, 4 medio

Nuevo Programa para Tercero Medio 2020


Text 1_ Am I leader?

What do you want to do after leaving school? Have you ever dreamed of starting a movement or your own business? Would you like to be your own boss in the future? Do you know a famous entrepreneur?

Derek Sivers became an entrepreneur by accident in 1998 when he started selling CDs on his website, CD Baby, and it quickly became popular with friends. It went on to become the largest seller of independent music online, with $100M in sales for 150,000 musicians. Now, Sivers is the founder of MuckWork, where teams of assistants help musicians with their boring or uncreative projects.

In his TED Talk, Sivers explains that, contrary to popular belief, the leader of a movement isn't as important as the first follower. The first follower is what transforms a "lone-nut" into a leader. Using footage of a half-naked dancing man at a music festival to illustrate his point, he emphasizes that his easy-to-follow steps to starting a movement can be used in any situation— particularly the workplace.

“A leader needs the guts to stand out and be ridiculed."

Sivers says that all movements are public, so the leader that starts the movement should be fearless in the face of opposition. A leader should be able to take criticism and stand out in a crowd, so the movement can pick up momentum. It doesn't matter if the movement starts out slow, it only takes one follower to help create a group, and three a crowd.

In the workplace, executives shouldn't be afraid to get feedback from their employees, in fact they should encourage it. Getting feedback from subordinate employees can be awkward at
first, but it can be a great way to gain insights on how your leadership style, communication approach and interpersonal skills are affecting your team.

“Remember the importance of nurturing your first few followers as equals."

Sivers explains that as a leader it's important to recognize yourself as an equal with your followers. “It's about the movement, not you," he says. The goal of the movement is not to inflate the leader's own ego, but to get a message across or complete an initiative. By making the movement a collaborative effort, the group will attract more followers because it is perceived as “less risky," allowing it to grow.

If managers motivate their employees, show that they believe in them and can give them feedback in order to succeed, the employees will respond in a positive way. The environment will begin to feel like a team and more work will get done.

“Leadership is over-glorified."

Without the first follower, there would be no leader and no movement. Sivers calls this the most important lesson of his entire TED Talk, because the first follower created the leader and helped bring in the second and third followers. Sivers goes on to explain that if everyone in the world were leaders, it would be extremely ineffective.

Sivers' mindset transforms into the workplace easily: employees are the most important people in the office. Without them, there would be no work or managers. Sivers said it takes courage to follow and join in an unusual idea, so managers should be on the lookout for not only leaders in the applicant pool, but also for people who can spot a good idea and help execute it.

After reading the article, do you think people must have a lot of money to transform a great idea into a business? Discuss with your teachers and classmates.

 Nuevo Programa para Segundo Medio 2020: Textos sugeridos

UNIT 1: Globalization and Communication


Pre reading link:

(Globalization: You’re living it)

Multiculturalism is everywhere today. As the world gets smaller, multiculturalism becomes bigger. Few of us today live in towns in which there is only one culture. Nowadays, we live in towns where we are surrounded by many other cultures; and this phenomenon has been increasing dramatically during the last few years.

We live in cities where we see people from all over the world everywhere, everyday. We have been studying with them, we have been working with them, we have been buying things from them and we’ve seen them trying hard to adapt to our own customs and language.

Of course, some cities are a little more multicultural than others. New York, for instance, is a real melting pot. It is called the most multicultural city on Earth while there are other cities like Tokyo, for example, which isn’t so multicultural. I think multiculturalism is a great thing. It’s fantastic to walk out of your door and see other cultures. This didn’t happen in the recent past.  People didn’t understand other cultures. They didn’t even want to understand them.

But are we prepared for the new era of globalization? Although the world is changing fast, neither us nor them are prepared for these changes. However, it’s important to understand that communication and respect are the basis for success in communication and integration.

Unit 1: Globalization and Communication


Globalization is the process that makes economies and societies from all around the world become more and more connected. This means that people, ideas, technology, money, services, and many other things are moving between countries and changing the way people think and act.

Good or Bad?

Not everyone thinks the same way about globalization. Some people think it is good, some people think it is bad. Some believe that globalization helps rich people get richer and makes poor people poorer. These people say that globalization helps big companies like Coca-Cola and McDonald's destroy local businesses. The people who think globalization is a good thing argue that globalization helps poorer people become richer. They also think that it doesn't damage local cultures either. These people also believe globalization helps prevent conflicts like wars. This is because countries that have economic connections will try hard to maintain good relationships with each other so their economies aren't damaged.

Either good or bad, it affects the world in two important areas: jobs and culture.

Globalization has had a very strong effect on employment and jobs throughout the world. For some workers, such as engineers, lawyers, and bankers, globalization has been a good thing. These workers have been improving their competences successfully to compete globally and have been increasing their salaries. But for those who work in factories or in the service industry (at hotels, shops and restaurants) it has not been good. These types of jobs have been exposing to increasing competition from workers from poorer countries. A worker from a poorer country will do the same job for little money. This will decrease the salaries for that job, so people will get paid less to do it.

Globalization has also had an impact on culture. Foods such as Japanese noodles, Indian curry and French cheeses have been spreading around the world. We’ve also seen an increase in the use of Chinese characters in tattoos. Some people get these tattoos without actually knowing what the characters mean. Another area which has been affected by globalization is the film industry. We’ve always seen American movies, but now, due to globalization, Korean, Indian and Japanese movies have also become popular worldwide.

So should we be afraid of what the future of globalization might bring? Should the governments put a ban on immigration? The truth is that zero immigration is neither realistic nor justified because no one knows what will happen, but one thing is certain. Globalization will continue to grow and; either good or bad, it’s here here to stay.

Nuevo Programa para cuarto Medio 2020

Unit 1: Mysteries

“Science Mysteries”

We all love mysteries, but while it seems that science has covered all of them, there are always more out to discover. This text will focus on two mysteries of science that have always confused scientists and that will leave you wanting for the solutions.

Are we alone in the universe?

Perhaps not. Astronomers have been scouring the universe for places _many light years away_ where water worlds might have given rise to life. Radio telescopes have been overhearing  the heavens and in 1977 a signal bearing the potential hallmarks of an alien message was heard. Astronomers are now able to scan the atmospheres of alien worlds for oxygen and water. The next few decades will be an exciting time to be an alien hunter with up to 60bn potentially habitable planets in our Milky Way alone.

 However, the search for life beyond Earth is a very new thing. Humans have only been searching for about 40 years. If we humans are going to find signs of life outside the Earth, it will probably happen in your lifetime. You may one day be amongst the first humans to encounter alien life or to hear a message from another world. So, good luck …!

Why do we dream?

Some people say they never dream. But that can’t be possible. Everybody has dreams, but some people just have a better memory for them than others. Every one hour and a half throughout the night we live our private fantasies. In our dreams we can forget the good behavior of the day and are free to behave in any way we want to. Images from our past and present come together. However, as soon as we wake up, the dream starts to melt and the more we try to remember the details, the more we forget.

So, why do we dream? Are dreams important? Do the images in our dreams have a special meaning? The truth is that we spend around a third of our lives sleeping which is the same as sleeping 26 years! Considering how much time we spend doing it, you might think we know everything about it. But scientists are still searching for a complete explanation of why we sleep and dream. Sigmund Freud believed dreams were expressions of unfulfilled wishes – often sexual – while others think dreams are anything but the random firings of a sleeping brain. Animal studies and advances in brain imaging have led us to a more complex understanding that suggests that dreaming could play a role in memory, learning and emotions.

Experiments with rats, for example, have shown that they replay their waking experiences in dreams, apparently helping them to solve complex tasks such as navigating mazes. That might also mean that dreams can help people prepare for the problems of everyday life and understand their inner personality better.

 Nuevo Programa para primero Medio 2020: Textos sugeridos


 “New kid in class”

Conversation 1

David: Hello, I’m David Garza. I’m a new student

Beth:   Hi. My name is Elizabeth  Silva, but please call me Beth. Where are you   from, David?

David: I’m from Mexico

Beth:  Oh, I love Mexico! It’s really beautiful. Welcome to New York City

David: Thanks… Bye, see you later.

Conversation 2

Beth: Cindy, this is David Garza. He’s a new student from Mexico.

Cindy: Nice to meet you, David. I’m Cindy Hull.

David: Hello Cindy. How are you?

Cindy: Fine, thanks. So, do you like the school?

David: Yes, I do. It’s really big and the teachers are great

Conversation 3:

Teacher: Please, David. Introduce yourself to your classmates

David: Sure! Good morning. My name’s David Garza. I’m from Mexico. My mom is in Mexico City right now. I live with my dad and I have a sister. Her name is Melissa. She’s a student here, too. I’m 17 years old. My favorite color is black. I like to watch TV, listen to pop music and play tennis.

Teacher: All right. Welcome to Green Valley High School, David.

David: Thank you, sir.

Nuevo Programa para Primero Medio 2020: Textos sugeridos

U N I T  1: JOBS

TEXT 1: “Mathew’s job”

My friend Mathew has a very busy life. He has three jobs. In the morning he works as a teacher, in the afternoon as a taxi driver and at night as a singer. Mathew wakes up at 4 am, he takes a shower, gets dressed and goes to school. He doesn’t have time for breakfast at home so he has breakfast at school. Mathew teaches 5th grade. He loves children so enjoys his work.

At 12:30 Mathew always has lunch with his coworkers. Then he goes to his father’s house to pick up his father’s taxi and begins working as a taxi driver. He is a good driver and likes talking to passengers about politics and sports. Mathew is keen on rock music, in fact he has a rock band. At night the band plays some music at a local bar. After singing for two hours, he goes back home, has dinner and watches a little TV.

Mathew’s wife is pregnant; so he will quit two of his jobs soon. He wants to share more time with his family in the future.

Text 2: “How about working?”

Do you need some cash? Are you looking for work? Well, look at these job adverts and start making your own money!

Conversation 1:

Lina: Will you be around this summer, Sam?

Sam: Yes, I will. I’ve got a job at the YMCA, working as a lifeguard. What will you do to do over the holidays, Lina?

Lina: I’m not sure yet. I mean, I’d like to go to the beach, but I don’t have enough money. Maybe I should get a job, too and earn some money.

Sam: Here! How does this sound? Work for Coffee Beans: Choose the hours you work, get management experience, share your love of coffee…Why don’t you apply for a waitress job there?

Lina: That’s probably a good idea…I don’t mind being a waitress. I think it’s just fine.Thanks, Sam!

Conversation 2:

Lina:  I’m looking for a summer job                                       

Ms Page: Are you interested in working full time?                             

Lina: Yes, I am                                                                   

Ms Page: And where do you go to school?

Lina: I go to George Washington High       

Ms Page: When will you graduate?           

Lina: Next June                                                                               

Ms Page: Do you have any special skills or interests?

Lina: I’m a very organized person, and I’m quite punctual. In my free time, I like to read.

Ms Page: How long have you studied at George Washington High?

Lina: For 4 years. Since I finished primary.

Ms Page: Have you ever had a job before?

Lina: My parents used to have a coffee shop some years ago, and I used to help, but I don’t anymore.

Ms Page: Ok. Thank you, Lina. We’ll call you in a day or two.

Text 3:

“Amigos de las Americas”; a volunteer abroad program.

Amigos de las Americas is a unique international organization which brings together volunteers from all over the world to work in developing countries. We organize programs worldwide with a particular emphasis on health, education, and community support.

Our young volunteers work in teams and have the opportunity to learn new skills and meet new friends while making an important contribution to the local communities.

Amigos de las Americas provides international volunteer abroad and summer volunteer Programs in 23 countries across Latin America_ recent locations have included Brazil, Bolivia, Guatemala and El Salvador.

Our volunteer abroad project includes both short term (4 weeks) and long term (6 months) placement in every country, which volunteers can join throughout the year.

Our organization gives volunteers a rewarding travel experience as they get to know the local cultures and different ways of life across the world while helping them to work with the local communities. This is the reason why more students are choosing to volunteer abroad every year, as it helps them to gain another perspective.


·         must be between 16 and 24

·         can volunteer for four weeks to six months

·         have to contribute 1,400 dollars towards the cost

·         stay with a local host family during your time as a volunteer

·         need to speak English


·         pay for your food, accommodation and return airfare

·         provide weekly pocket money

·         organize medical insurance where appropriate

·         train you in the skills you need to help the local community

·         give you constant support during your volunteer period

How to apply

·         Fill an application form

·         Write an accompanying letter saying what kind of volunteer work you would like and where you would like to work. Give information about your skills, abilities, and interests and say why you think you would be a good volunteer.

·         Apply at least six months  in advance of the date you want to volunteer

·         Mail your letter and completed form to:

Thomas’ Application Letter


Kirsten Tobey

Amigos de las Americas

Washington D.C.

Dear Mrs. Tobey,

In read about your organization and I would like to apply for a long-term volunteer program next year.

I am 17. I’m going to study archeology at university, but first I’d like to work as a volunteer for a time. I like to study and I’m very interested in politics. I would like to be a politician one day and try to solve people’s problems. What inspires me is “to make a difference” in the world.

I’d rather join a program in Latin America than in other locations because I speak Spanish, and also because I’m very interested in history and pre-Spanish settlements.  The possibility to visit some Maya or Inca ruins is very motivating for me.

I already saved the money I have to pay for my airfare and living expenses.

I’m looking forwards to hearing from you soon and to receiving good news.

Best regards,

Thomas Carlyle

1 comentario:

  1. hola profesor soy catalina Gonzalez,kas guias no vienen con preguntas como las resuelvo que este muy bien
